Students / Families » Families


Welcome CELTIC Families!
This school year has resulted in a number of positive changes at Bishop Macdonell, including updates to our school website that highlight the involvement of our entire school community. At Bishop Macdonell, we recognize the strong supportive role families play in ensuring that our students enjoy a positive and successful high school experience.
Please see our WCDSB website for additional resources and programs.
As with our students, we invite you to be informed and get involved in our Bishop Macdonell Community. 
Bishop Macdonell Parent School Council
​We are fortunate at Bishop Macdonell to have engaged families with supportive voices. This committee is open to all of our students' caregivers. The Committee meets monthly to discuss school activities and support strategies that encourage positive development and opportunities for our students.
Interested in participating or have questions regarding this committee? please email our Office Coordinator or Principal.
We have created a GRADE 9 PARENT PORTAL!
This is a great resource for all families and caregivers new to Bishop Macdonell. Be sure to check it out - there are messages from Administration and Guidance, families have the opportunity to meet our Grade 9 teaching staff ... and more!
Here's the link: