Bishop Macdonell's Guidance Team has a mission to provide support for students through personal counselling, career information and by helping to prepare students for their important High School transitions, from grade 8 through to their post-secondary lives.

Counsellors visit classrooms, meet with students, and offer presentations that provide students with the resources they need to make informed, courageous and honourable decisions for their educational, apprenticeship or workplace pathway.

Meet our Guidance Team!Plant

Emma Corbit, Guidance Secretary (ext.101308) [email protected]

Ms.Corbit is our Guidance Secretary. She can provide transcripts or answer questions regarding registration. Also, Ms.Corbit can help connect you with our Guidance staff.

Amy Nash, Guidance and Co-op Head (ext.101338) [email protected]

Ms.Nash oversees all Guidance related issues. She is directly responsible for all gr.12, and 12+ students.

Matthew Belluz, Guidance Counsellor (ext.101322) [email protected]

Mr.Belluz is directly responsible for assisting all gr.9 students, and all gr.11 students (last names A-F).

Melissa Vadala, Guidance Counsellor (ext.101354) [email protected]

Ms.Vadala assists all gr. 10 students, and gr.11 students (last names G-Z).

Amberlea Daigneau, Student Success Teacher (ext.101345) [email protected]

Ms.Daigneau supports students and staff in achieving their learning goals. She also assists students in credit recovery.

Community Support Staff

Michelle Hazlett, Social Worker (ext.101325) [email protected]

Deacon Trevor Klein, Chaplain (ext.101310) [email protected]

Officer Nightingale and Melitzer, School Resource Officers [email protected] [email protected] Guelph Police Community Services