
Bishop Mac 20 years

CELTICS! It is a new school year ...

Purchase your 2023-24 Yearbook through SchoolCashOnline

To check if you have already purchased your copy, go to SchoolCashOnline, in the top right hand corner, click on Item History. This will give you a listing of all items you have purchased.

Are you organizing a group, council, club, event or team this year?

Share your group's roster, photos and memories with the Yearbook Team. [email protected]

Pick up your 2022-23 (and previous years's) Yearbook from the Library Learning Commons.

Graduated? Pick up your copy from the Main Office.

Interested in contributing to the Yearbook?

Students do not need to be part of the Yearbook Team to contribute.

ALL students and staff are encouraged to make yearbook contributions by submitting:

  • pictures

  • written content

  • art

  • ideas

  • quotes and memories. 

Send your submissions to Ms.Smith, through email, Google Drive or One Drive.

Contact Ms.Smith [email protected] to contribute and/or collaborate.